Breaking Silence

2018-05-12 7:30PM at Bellingham High School

Under the inspiring direction of Dustin Willetts, our 100 voice Kulshan Chorus is excited to present not one but two powerhouse performances of BREAKING SILENCE. While Kulshan Chorus is no stranger to speaking out for social justice, this concert is a first. We have joined forces with the incredible minds of Pam Kuntz (Kuntz and Company) and Keefe Healy to present an artistic representation of the underlying ground of the #MeToo movement.

Using the combined artistic pillars of music, dance, and theater - our hero, Miriam, shares her story, the lessons she has learned, and calls upon you, the audience, to rise up. Her story weaves through songs from some of the biggest names in choral composition -Jake Runestad, Moira Smiley and Andrea Ramsey along with insightful pieces from Rag'n'Bone Man and MILCK. Using choreography, spoken word, and stage design all created for this event, Kulshan Chorus proudly presents a collection of 21st century choral pieces that will evoke empathy, resilience, and clarity between right and wrong.

For this special concert event, Kulshan Chorus has partnered with two remarkable local support groups DVSAS (Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services) and Whatcom Dispute Resolution Center. A portion of the concert proceeds will be dedicated to these two wonderful non-profits. In partnering with DVSAS support personnel will be available on site.




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